Opera Mini doesn't work for you? Here's a workaround...
OK, so I was pissed off. Really, really pissed off, when my phone refused to connect to the internets via Opera Mini. I have a Nokia 6233, which runs on Series 40, Third Edition. Nokia made a lot of changes in the interface, of which it added some functionality, and some epic design failures. One of which are access point settings. Starting with S40 3rd Ed phones, you can't specify a proxy when you make a new Access Point via the manual settings. Anyone unfortunate enough to be a T-Mobile or those with WAP network plans (such as TMobileWeb users, Airtel NOP users) are unable to use J2ME programs that require internet access (such as Opera Mini, Google Maps, or games which involve online access). I dunno, but it seems as though Globe Telecom was a bit piss-poor at implementing its Over-The-Air connection settings; it turns out that the config files they're assimilating to end-users have something missing, therefore making it difficult for them to connect using Opera. A workaroun...