Opera Mini doesn't work for you? Here's a workaround...

OK, so I was pissed off. Really, really pissed off, when my phone refused to connect to the internets via Opera Mini.

I have a Nokia 6233, which runs on Series 40, Third Edition. Nokia made a lot of changes in the interface, of which it added some functionality, and some epic design failures. One of which are access point settings. Starting with S40 3rd Ed phones, you can't specify a proxy when you make a new Access Point via the manual settings. Anyone unfortunate enough to be a T-Mobile or those with WAP network plans (such as TMobileWeb users, Airtel NOP users) are unable to use J2ME programs that require internet access (such as Opera Mini, Google Maps, or games which involve online access).

I dunno, but it seems as though Globe Telecom was a bit piss-poor at implementing its Over-The-Air connection settings; it turns out that the config files they're assimilating to end-users have something missing, therefore making it difficult for them to connect using Opera.

A workaround is to make your own provision file (which is the same stuff used by service providers to distribute configuration settings to their customers). I compiled an archive here; there's another archive containing a bunch of provision files for several telecom providers.

I made a custom .prov file for my telecom provider; you may edit it by opening the NokiaJAVAProxy.wml using a text editor.

Save your changes, and then run SPARTA.BAT (I named it after the Greek kingdom out of randomness... :p).

Send the .prov file to your phone via Bluetooth (either by dongle, or by transferring the file to another phone, then BT'ing it to the target phone).

The phone will then recognise the configuration settings, and will prompt you to save them. Don't worry if it says "no supported applications".

Go to Settings->Configuration->Default Config. Settings, and change the default config to [the name of the configuration we just loaded].

That's it! JAVA midlets like Opera Mini, Google Maps, and all them J2ME online apps should work now.

God Bless and enjoy... = )

P.S.: Oh. and if you're too lazy to edit the config file yourself, kindly post a comment here. Tell me your handset model, the country in which it is based, and the service provider you're subscribed to, e.g.: Nokia 6300, Globe Telecom-Philippines, or something like that, OK?


Unknown said…

I need to do this for my Nokia 6300 (am in Mumbai, India using Vodafone). Pls help.

Huckleberry Pie said…
OK, Essex, sorry for the late reply, but can you give me some connection settings for your provider so that I can sort this out?

Or maybe not, if you're too lazy to do so. I'll try my best to whip up some settings for you.

Unknown said…
Hi Huck,

What settings do you need? I do not know much about settings, etc. Would appreciate if you could help me out quickly.

Angelo said…
Am Angelo,

Smart Telecom, Philippines. I have Nokia 5310 Xpressmusic.

Angelo said…
Im angelo, philippines

I have Nokia 5310 Xpressmusic and Smart Telecom as my provider!

Thnks in advance!
Angelo said…
Im angelo, philippines

I have Nokia 5310 Xpressmusic and Smart Telecom as my provider!

Thnks in advance!
Angelo said…
oh,, Sorry! I just read the first linea nd thought that my comments was never posted. I haven't read that it needs to be approved before being posted. Sorry!
Huckleberry Pie said…
Sorry for the late reply, guys, but as for Angelo, you may try this:


Extract the contents of this file, upload either of them .prov files to another phone, and then beam it to your phone via Bluetooth, or use a dongle.

@Essex: I'll still be looking for settings, don't worry.
Anonymous said…

I need to have settings for my Nokia 6300 and my network is T-Mobile in The Netherlands
alexis said…
im alexis mine is n73 globe telecom philippines want to brose internet for free..tnx
Huckleberry Pie said…
@Alexis: Again sorry for the late response, but as for your Nokia N73, there are a mother lode of hacked or modded versions of Opera Mini for Globe, Smart, Sun and Red subscribers. at Symbianize.com - your device doesn't need a .prov file at all since it's a S60 phone.
Jenny said…
n6300 sun subscriber, philippines..it says i need to configure the packet data???
Unknown said…
My mom has an old Motorola V3 and I recently installed Opera Mini as in my own phone. When it opens and it attempts to get installed a message appears that it cant connect to the net, the built in browser works but I think its crap. Can you help me?

My carriers is Movistar from Ecuador
Unknown said…

I'm Anton from Philippines. I'm using Nokia 6280 with globe simcard. I hope you can help me with this. Thanks in advance!
kib921 said…
bro huck zup?

I have Nokia 5310 Xpressmusic and im using Globe Telecom as my provider!

can u help me?

i cant use opera mini5 in my nokia 5310..

im marc devera from phil...hope u can help me.....tnx bro..
kib921 said…
bro wazzup?

i cant use my operamini....\

im globe Telecom, Philippines. I have Nokia 5310 Xpressmusic.

hope u can teach me how can i used my operamini....tnx a lot bro u can email me here in my yahoo....plshelp me to fix it...


tnk u bro. godbless
kib921 said…
help me bro i cant use my nokia 5310 xpress music cant use opera mini...huhuhu....help me pls. ima globe user..
Sudeep Agarwal said…
hey... mine would be vodafone india nokia 5130. i know it's a year after u published the blog, but maybe? i've inbilt opera mini 4.1 which works but any other opera mini (say 5) or bot, googlemaps, etc dont...
Dheeraj Kulal said…
dear ami,

i'm using LG Kp500 handset & 'm from karnataka. service provider is Idea.
request u to send the setting file to email id dheerajkulal@gmail.com.
hello can you help me im using nokia 5530 expressmusic and globe telecom as my provider and opera mini 3..please..thanks
Huckleberry Pie said…
Again to everyone who would like to use prov files on their Series 40 phone, you can always search for a prov file maker at Symbianize or Google. I'm afraid to say that I'm quite busy nowadays, and I couldn't be bothered to respond to each and every comments regarding this issue.

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