Stock ROM for Galaxy S7/G930FD MT6580 clone (Z6U030; 512MB RAM/8GB ROM)

Felt like sharing this as most of them South Asian GSM bloggers are, suffice it to say, being scrooges or something, asking for $$$ to have the firmware package's password to be unlocked as a rather low-brow way to earn money. Not that I have anything against them, mind you, but as I said on my previous post, this business model of theirs only serves to inconvenience both clients and technicians alike.

I dumped this off my Galaxy S7 clone, a few weeks or so after I got the phone off the service centre when they repaired it as I made the unfortunate mistake of flashing the wrong ROM. It should work with certain Galaxy S7 replicas using preloader_gxq6580_weg_l.bin as the preloader; mine's the one with the plastic frame and the microphone pin on the wrong side of the device.

Firmware info:
CPU: MT6580 SW:0000 Ver: CA00
Downloading Boot8 ...
EMMC Size: 0x01C3000000
Flash Type: EMMC
INT/EXT RAM  Size: 0x0+0x0
Reading infr(EMMC)...
PROINFO  BaseAddr:0x80000  Size:0x300000
NVRAM  BaseAddr:0x380000  Size:0x500000
PROTECT1  BaseAddr:0x880000  Size:0xA00000
PROTECT2  BaseAddr:0x1280000  Size:0xA00000
SECCFG  BaseAddr:0x1C80000  Size:0x40000
LK  BaseAddr:0x1CC0000  Size:0x60000
BOOT  BaseAddr:0x1D20000  Size:0x1000000
RECOVERY  BaseAddr:0x2D20000  Size:0x1000000
PARA  BaseAddr:0x3D20000  Size:0x80000
LOGO  BaseAddr:0x3DA0000  Size:0x800000
EXPDB  BaseAddr:0x45A0000  Size:0xA00000
FRP  BaseAddr:0x4FA0000  Size:0x100000
NVDATA  BaseAddr:0x50A0000  Size:0x2000000
METADATA  BaseAddr:0x70A0000  Size:0x2760000
OEMKEYSTORE  BaseAddr:0x9800000  Size:0x200000
SECRO  BaseAddr:0x9A00000  Size:0x600000
KEYSTORE  BaseAddr:0xA000000  Size:0x800000
SYSTEM  BaseAddr:0xA800000  Size:0x51800000
CACHE  BaseAddr:0x5C000000  Size:0x10000000
USERDATA  BaseAddr:0x6C000000  Size:0x155F80000
FLASHINFO  BaseAddr:0x1C1F80000  Size:0x1000000


Don't worry, the file ain't password-protected, and feel free to forward this to whatever site you like. All I want is a link to this page or for yours truly to be credited as I worked hard on this thing.

Oh, and another thing: you may end up with a different boot logo and launcher after flashing the ROM. There are dialer codes for that, but for some reason they don't seem to work no matter how I use those; a workaround is to root the device using Kingroot or any of your favourite root utilities, then edit /proc/env_logo_id with a hex editor by adding 01 to the file. Save it, then restart your phone immediately for the logo to show up.


Unknown said…
plz fix toush s7 clone plz
Huckleberry Pie said…
Would love to get the touch calibration info off my phone for you, but unfortunately the Miracle Box crack I have isn't able to dump them for some reason. I'll see what I can do though.
Huckleberry Pie said…
I've also replied to your post on XDA regarding the files you requested.
Andres Trujillo said…
Hi, I need help with the download, please upload it to mega
Huckleberry Pie said…
I'll see what I can do with that, but for now, can you download the ROM using this leecher?
Unknown said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said…
friend my phone was hard brick but its opening now with your rar bat its opening write is android how can i do it samsung ?
Huckleberry Pie said…
Root your phone with Kingroot. Then edit /proc/env_logo_id with a hex editor by adding 01 and save. Restart the phone, and you should see the new logo. ;)
Unknown said…
im tried but i cant if i will give you number of whatsapp can you will send me screen shot ?
Huckleberry Pie said…
Try using Macro HEX Edit. I think that's the one I used for editing env_logo_id.
Huckleberry Pie said…
Also, you need to have a root browser like ROM Toolbox Pro to access /proc/env_logo_id.
Huckleberry Pie said…
Unknown said…
i did root on my phone i used hex too and i find place of logo tooo but i dont know which code will change
Huckleberry Pie said…
Change the first byte as seen in the link above, it has to be highlighted in blue. Key in 01, press Set Value, and then save. Restart the phone immediately to see if the logo has been changed.
Unknown said…
thank you so much i did it :)
Unknown said…
meron ka bang twrp para dito brad? pa attach naman oh...nakita github mo kaso di ko ma download ang initial release di gumagana link ng dev host
Huckleberry Pie said…
You can find the TWRP images here mate:
karlos3112 said…
where do i download the firmware for a galaxy7 clon
Huckleberry Pie said…
What clone are you using? There are so many clones of the device that there's no one-size-fits-all ROM for this.
i need rom for this phone, the model is sm-g930fd like yours
but i dont know this rom suitable with my phone or not

you can view the pictures in the link below
Huckleberry Pie said…
@Dimas - Yours appears to be a different model from mine. Did a quick search based on the stuff silkscreened on your device's logic board, but so far I couldn't find any. :/
Unknown said…
I good morning I have downloaded the rom for that clone but when i install it, the bootloader did not work and forces a bootlock
Huckleberry Pie said…
Care to explain even further?
Louisr21 said…
good, friend I have a clone s7 that does not light in any way. it will be damaged when installing twrp, then forgetting to uncheck preloader. I have downloaded several rom, from the web for but I can not get flash tools to stop throwing the error brom-error-sft-enable-dram-fail.
I leave the device's link before the brick
if you can help me return it to life. I appreciate it. windows recognizes it as "mtk usb port"

about the device:

internal information:

photos of the device:
Huckleberry Pie said…
Alright, here's the mirror you requested:
Yawar tariq said…
I rooted my mobile galaxy s7 clone with King Root app and it was switched off a few days later when I turned it on and it got stuck on the black screen.There was no logo and no sound and the recovery mode was not on and i dont know my phone and processor model number but it is mtk device. My clone samsung galaxy s7 has flash light on front comera.please sir help me.
Huckleberry Pie said…
@Yawar tariq - I wouldn't be of much help if there's not much details to go by in regards to your clone. There's so many clones out there with different specs that it's hard if nigh impossible to determine the firmware by just a quick glance.
Yawar tariq said…
Can you contact me on facebook. i give you photos of my phone.
Facebook link is
Thank you.
Huckleberry Pie said…
@Yawar tariq - Try uploading the pictures on then link them here. I'm not that keen on using Facebook, sorry.
Yawar tariq said…
This is link of my phone have removable battrey.
Clone s7
Huckleberry Pie said…
@Yawar tariq - Are you able to disassemble the phone to see if there are any identifying marks like board IDs? Or can you boot to recovery mode and tell me what's written on it?
Yawar tariq said…
I open my phone and this is the link of the images.
Clone s7 board
Huckleberry Pie said…
@Yawar tariq - I found these:

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