Macintosh in a pinch: Sierra on a Pentium G3258/ASUS H81M-D

Let me say first that while I've been into the Hackintosh scene for like seven or eight years, I am still learning the ropes with some aspects such as DSDT and a few other things. But let me share this install guide for you lads and lasses who are interested in cobbling up a Hackintosh of your own.

This guide is mostly based on Elad Nava's El Capitan installation guide, albeit with a few tweaks to account for the new OS and system to be installed on, assuming that you're on a G3258-based system. In my case, I am using a PC with the following specs:
  • ASUS H81M-D (BIOS revision 2204)
  • Pentium G3258 @ 3.2Ghz
  • Kingston ValueRAM 8GB DDR3
  • GeForce GTX 750 2GB GDDR5
  • Western Digital WD10EZEX 1TB
You'll also need an existing Mac or PC to prepare the USB stick to be used for installation. There are guides and/or tools out there that allow for a doing so without a Mac, but I'm not sure about that myself. If you don't have an existing Mac, I recommend using a virtual machine image for you to cobble up an installer.

And yes, this does NOT involve any sort of -Beast utility from Tonymacx86 either.

Oh and another thing: Most people vouch on installing Mac first before Windows, in case you plan on having a dual-boot system. Doing it the other way around is possible, but wonky as you'd wind up with issues such as a small EFI partition.

First things first: Download macOS Sierra from the App Store, either through normal means or using the method as described here. I vouch for the latter as it allows you to use your favourite download manager and be able to verify the packages you downloaded. Downloading the installer should take some time, so grab a cup of coffee or do something else for the time being.

Once that's done, run Disk Utility, and format the USB drive (or any other storage drive to be used), making sure that the file system is Mac OS Extended (Journaled) and that GUID Partition Table is used.

Now run the following command in Terminal to copy the installation files to your USB drive:

sudo /Applications/Install\ macOS\ --volume /Volumes/USB --applicationpath /Applications/Install\ macOS\ --nointeraction

This should take around 15-20 minutes to finish, and once that's done, you may now install the Clover bootloader. Run the package installer, set it to install the bootloader to your install USB, then make sure Install for UEFI Booting only, Install Clover in the ESP and OsxAptioFixDrv-64 is selected in the Customise page.

The latter option is a must for motherboards using an AMI UEFI BIOS as you'd end up getting stuck at the boot screen without it. Once that's done, go to your USB drive's Clover ESP partition, and then copy the 10.12 kexts folder which you can download from here to EFI/CLOVER/kexts. FakeSMC's essential for every single Hackintosh to run at all, and in our case we need NullCPUPowerManagement to work around kernel panic issues with our G3258 rig.

You may want to use this config.plist on the USB too. Now let's get on to the installation process.

Mash the F8 button on bootup to get to the boot selection screen. Assuming you're on an ASUS board or any board using an AMI Aptio, select the USB drive which may be named "UEFI:USB Mass Storage Device"UEFI:Kingston DataTraveler"or whatever. Select Boot macOS Install from Install macOS Sierra, press space then select Boot to Verbose, which should allow you to see what went wrong in case the installer freezes for some reason. If you're using an Nvidia card, make sure the boot flag nvda_disable=1 is present. Same goes for -xcpm and the CPUID 0x0306A0 since we're installing this on a Haswell Celeron/Pentium anyway - the config.plist I linked to should take care of that.

Now that you're on the macOS installer itself, you need to format the drive to be installed using Disk Utility:

Obviously you'll need to wipe the drive you're going to install macOS into, and don't blame me if you formatted the wrong drive. :P Now exit Disk Utility, and proceed with installing the operating system. Select the hard drive you just formatted, and then click Install. Be patient with this one kids, especially as the install goes through two stages - once the first stage finishes, boot again to the Clover USB like before, but this time select the hard disk where you are going to install macOS into. A grey installation screen will show up, with the Apple logo and a progress bar. If all goes well, the installation part should be fine and dandy.

But we're not done yet! Boot from the USB stick once again, and again select the hard drive, making sure you're starting macOS in verbose mode as you know. Once you get into the Welcome screen, you'll be asked to set things up such as your current location, keyboard type and whatnot. 

You'll be taken to the desktop, and from there you need to install drivers or kexts for your respective GPU. That depends on the graphics card/IGP you're using, but in the case of recent Nvidias, all you need to do is to install the Web Drivers - the one to use is 367.15.10.05f01. Audio in my case is a trivial matter - AFAIK the Realtek ALC887 codec only calls for layout-ID 1 on Clover's audio settings and vit969's AppleALC kext. I already included mieze's Realtek LAN kext in the essential kexts package I linked to above, too. Oh and don't forget to install or update the Clover bootloader on your hard drive. The above mentioned settings for the install USB should work.

And here comes the tricky part: NullCPUPowerManagement can only get you so far, but that'll make the PC run at full blast with Speedstep disabled. macOS crashes with a kernel panic without the NullCPUPM hack, but there's a workaround to it, courtesy of vit969. The kernel patches not only enables XCPM mode, but should also keep certain apps like iMessage from crashing, I am not sure if the SSDT stuff as described by the OP is necessary with the above trick, but please let me know.

Hope that guide helps you with your Hackintoshing adventures. If not, feel free to ask. ;)


Unknown said…
Are you using -xcpm along with NullCPUPowerManagement?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but shouldn't NullCPUPowerManagement.kext be removed if you're using XPCM? Also, my G3258 gives a kernel panic and when before (with El Capitan), it worked just fine without NullCPUPowerManagement.
Unknown said…
Why are you using NullCPUPowerManagement along with -XCPM? Shouldn't NullCPUPowerManagement.kext be removed if you're using xcpm?

I'm a G3258 user and I'm getting kernel panics with Sierra, and am forced to use NullCPUPowerManagement. El Capitan worked perfectly fine though. Any reason this is?
Huckleberry Pie said…
Sorry if it took so long for your reply to be approved, but I used NullCPUPM as a temporary measure in my case. It wasn't intended to be in the system for regular use.

And on what motherboard are you trying to run Sierra on? I managed to get mine to work using the procedure on this thread:
Unknown said…
Thank you. I have an Asrock motherboard but am replacing it with an ASUS one next week.

I'll try that method soon enough!
Huckleberry Pie said…
You're welcome! A number of people vouch on Gigabyte as they appear to be more or less compatible with macOS, but an ASUS board may do.
emulicus said…
Thanks for posting this. I have slightly different setup. Same CPU, 750ti and msi z97 pc mate.
I'm having troubles booting the sierra install. Getting ACPI error: [_DSM] Namespace lookup failure, AE_ALREADY_EXISTS.
panic " Unable to find driver for this platform: \"ACPI\"n@/Lbirary/Caches/

Any ideas?
Huckleberry Pie said…
Sounds like an SSDT/DSDT issue to me. You might want to look for a suitable DSDT for your board or something. Haven't poked into that one tbh, but for now that's what I can recommend to you. Try leaving a comment on Piker-Alpha's blog or on InsanelyMac. Also, do you have any other components installed besides the ones you mentioned?
Unknown said…
I keep getting: THREAD 0 ERROR after the apple logo shows up.
Huckleberry Pie said…
What's your rig's specs?
Unknown said…
G3258 4.2ghz
300gb hdd
Gigabyte g1.sniper b5
R7 265
11gb ram
Huckleberry Pie said…
Did you try booting it to verbose or -x?
Unknown said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dr DOS said…
I think I have same problem, used clover 2.4 as that is current download, got through install if machine ID is macmini6,2 but wouldn't boot afterwards. Got immediate "no entry" sign on screen.
Dr DOS said…
I was using Asus z97 motherboard with g3258 could and gtx750ti graphics
Huckleberry Pie said…
You have the NullCPU kext installed? And what's your system's specs?
Unknown said…
thanks for the blog, it had most all the info found elsewhere, but for some reason yours was easiest to understand in my case. i was sucessful in installing Sierra on a G3258 with a gtx 460 on a Gigabyte ga-b85n phoenix wifi. to the others having problems, mine would also not boot as it was. im trying to remember everything i did but cannot promise i'm not forgetting something. 1st and most important step was booting into clover and options, change OS from 10.10.10 to 10.12, mine would crash and reset almost immediately before doing this. during the first boot i had to change system parameters- cpu fake id from 0306a0 from the above plist to 0x00010676, now dont jump to this, i think this had to do with my model being changed to iMac14,2. after the initial boot i changed back to the 0306A0 like above but stayed as iMac14,2(i dont rmember how i came to this system id, i tried so many things).i am using a card and used nv_disable=1 in boot args. note the article i believe incorrectly stated this as nvda_disable. other than that, my install went relatively smooth, which i credit mainly to doing 10.8.5 first ad hving a mac OS to download Sierra and use clover. I tried for like a week plus starting on Yosemite and others from my windows machine. pentiums work OOB on 10.8.5 so start there if your using a Pentium and this is your first hackintosh like me, niresh mountain lion was the only os i got to stick after trying pretty much everything else. anyway, thanks a ton, this is a present for wife 30th bday and its a pretty impressive build visually, looks like something that couldva came OEM from apple.
Artic said…
hello, im need help still stuck audio preoblen on asus H81M-E motherboard, any clue about the kext ? and also everytime i boot up my cpu need to insert sierra instalation usb, its strange i already installed multibeast also.

thank you very much.
Artic said…
hello, please needed help still stuck on the audio problem on sierra asus H81M-E, and also every time i turn on the cpu must insert a sierra installation usb disk. its strange i already setup & installed multibeast.

thank you very much.
Huckleberry Pie said…
You'll need to install Clover on your EFI partition. There's a setup package over at InsanelyMac which allows you to do that.

@Unknown - I'm glad to be of service mate, 'tis a good thing that you got it to work on your wife's rig. :D
Unknown said…
I've been killing myself over the last 24 hours since getting sierra up. I cannot for the life of me get the Ethernet or wifi to wor. I know the intel 7260ac that came on the board won't work, but I found several cards from my old laptops, AR5xxxxx ARBxxxxxx and a Realtek RTL8188ee. I though I found the correct kext /pkg for these, but no luck. I know I should be Abe t get the Ethernet working, what on earth am I doing wrong? The Ethernet port will light up and do its thing, but the MAC doesn't see it at all. Any advice Dr either LAN or wifi, honesty either one would be fine. Thanks.
Huckleberry Pie said…
@Chana - This is on a laptop, right? OS X tends to be rather picky when it comes to WLAN adapters, so what I did was I bought a cheap wifi repeater and used it as a makeshift adapter. Also, have you tried Mieze's Realtek kext? AnV also made a version of it as well afaik that has support for MAC address spoofing.
Unknown said…
Thanks, no this is not a laptop, i am actually the husband of chana that made the rig for the wifey. im in her logo now. so the specs are the gigabyte ga-b85n wifi with the g3258. i took a break for a week or so and am back at it now. im starting from scratch and trying not to miss a single step. i think i was just doing the kexts wrong. i would get the ones i though i needed and they would crash my boot and then id have no clue how to get back. but i bought an external drive so i can back-up my system before each inject. the wifi isnt a big deal so long as i could get the ethernet to work. so i am armed with the kext that is running my ethernet at the moment on 10.8.5 and the second option is this EDUP wifi adaptor that i saw a few dozen successes from the forums, the adaptor states that the drivers run in Sierra and they came on a mini-disk. so hopefully ill get something going this eve, ill let you know. thanks again
Unknown said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Huckleberry Pie said…
Did you select the right hard drive/partition for installation?
Unknown said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said…
I get "macOS is already installed on this drive" Error. Selected right partition and tried reformating. Can you please help.
Unknown said…
When I install Mac os x I get this error "macOS is already installed on this drive" I have reformated and still not working. How can I fix this.
Huckleberry Pie said…
What motherboard are you installing Sierra on? And can you try booting with -v and -no_compat_check to see if you can coax the installer or something?

You may also try some of the suggestions here, but other than that I haven't honestly encountered such an error yet on my end:
Unknown said…
It's an MSI Z170-PC Mate. I've done those boot flags but I just can click Install and just get the Installed on this Mac error.
Huckleberry Pie said…
I heard this may also have something to do with certain SSDs or hard drives. What I can suggest is to look for a pre-made Clover folder compiled for your motherboard. See if that could get you even further.
Unknown said…
I now get an error instead of booting. I get : HID Legacy Shim 2
Huckleberry Pie said…
Hmm, are you sure you made your macOS installer properly or something?
Huckleberry Pie said…
Also, see if you can get it to work on the latest Clover build.
Unknown said…
Im using the Latest Clover and I have made the installer multiple times.
Huckleberry Pie said…
What's your complete hardware specs? That might help with getting at least the installer to work.
Unknown said…
Can u use sierra with these specs;
Intel Haswell Generation Pentium G3240
8 GB DDR3 RAM HyperX
MSI Military Class 4 H81M-P33 mATX mobo
Built in Realtek ALC887
Built in Realtek Ethernet
UEFI Clover + Sierra with UniBeast and Kexts with
Plz tell if these specs will work
Unknown said…
Can u use sierra with these specs;
Intel Haswell Generation Pentium G3240
8 GB DDR3 RAM HyperX
MSI Military Class 4 H81M-P33 mATX mobo
Built in Realtek ALC887
Built in Realtek Ethernet
UEFI Clover + Sierra with UniBeast and Kexts with
Plz tell if these specs will work
Unknown said…
Can u use sierra with these specs;
Intel Haswell Generation Pentium G3240
8 GB DDR3 RAM HyperX
MSI Military Class 4 H81M-P33 mATX mobo
Built in Realtek ALC887
Built in Realtek Ethernet
UEFI Clover + Sierra with UniBeast and Kexts with
Plz tell if these specs will work
Unknown said…
Can u use sierra with these specs;
Intel Haswell Generation Pentium G3240
8 GB DDR3 RAM HyperX
MSI Military Class 4 H81M-P33 mATX mobo
Built in Realtek ALC887
Built in Realtek Ethernet
UEFI Clover + Sierra with UniBeast and Kexts with
Plz tell if these specs will work
Huckleberry Pie said…
Have you tried the Clover folder I linked to in the post? I think it should work for your MSI board.
Unknown said…
Now im getting kernel panic due to the -xpcm boot flag in the clover.plist file. When i checked insanelymac forum it says:
Good news!!! Thanks to @vit9696 Haswell Celeron/Pentium CPU's can use xcpm mode and work without NullCPUPowerManagement.kext and also prevent app crashing (Messages, iBooks etc.)

1. Remove NullCPUPowerManagement.kext.
2. Use macmodel iMac13,1
3. Use FakeCPUID - 0x0306A0
4. -xcpm in bootargs
5. Two kernel patches into KernelAndKextPatches section in config.plist (first patch prevent app crashing, second patch enables xcpm mode)






xcpm on Sierra Haswell Celeron/Pentium





Where should i paste this entry?
Huckleberry Pie said…
See this page for details on how to add patches to config.plist:
Unknown said…
I generated a ssdt for my processor using a vmware install of macOS Sierra. Will it be of any use?
Some say it is required but others doubt its use.
Unknown said…
Thank you. Finally macOS Sierra booted up and is very fast in performance. I am going to try to boot up macOS High Sierra Public Beta if I can.

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